Belleair Beach Adoption Attorney
Adopting a child is a challenging but extremely gratifying experience. There are many different types of adoptions, including step-parent adoption, co-parent adoption, grandparent adoption, relative adoption, international adoption, and adoption from birth parents, each with their own set of guidelines and processes. Understanding what to expect throughout can be both confusing and stressful.
The expert Belleair Beach Adoption Attorneys at The Law Office of Kerya L. Koeut, P.A. strive to relieve your stress and confusion by guiding you through this complex process, providing you with the advice, resources, and support you need.
Call The Law Office of Kerya L. Koeut, P.A. today at (727) 888-5199 for your Free Consultation!
Step-Parent & Co-Parent Adoption
These kind of adoptions are the most well-known forms of adoption, wherein the child being adopted is the biological child of the spouse of the person who wants to adopt. In a step-parent adoption, the child will become the legal responsibility of the step-parent and one biological parent, subsequently terminating the rights of one of the birth parents.
Co-parent adoptions are common for same-sex couples wherein one of the parties is the child’s biological parent. In a co-parenting adoption, the non-biological parent gains the rights in decision making like educational options and medical care.
Grandparent, Standby, & Relative Adoption
Relative adoption is when you adopt a child who is already part of your extended family, such as a grandchild, niece, or nephew. This is common with young mothers or those who are facing legal or mental issues which may impact their ability to raise their child themselves.
Standby Adoption is similar to relative adoption, except that it would be enacted upon the passing of the biological parents. The purpose of standby adoption is so that the child will become the responsibility of an approved family member that they are already familiar with.
International & Birth Parent Adoption
This kind of adoption takes place when the child to be adopted does not belong to your immediate or extended family, either from within the US or from abroad. Suffice to say, this type is the most difficult adoption to obtain, however, it also gives you the highest form of fulfillment. The knowledge that you are saving a child from painful and traumatic situations, like being unwanted or not being able to be taken cared for, makes the connection with that child even more precious.
Working with a highly knowledgeable Belleair Beach, FL Family Lawyer at The Law Office of Kerya L. Koeut, P.A. will make the process less complex as international and direct adoption tend to be confusing and complicated.
Free Consultation with an Experienced Adoption Lawyer
We are here for you! Adoption is a lengthy and complex process, that is why regardless of the type of adoption you are seeking to obtain, it is important to have a dedicated Belleair Beach Adoption Lawyer supporting you. At The Law Office of Kerya L. Koeut, P.A. we explain what your adoption options are, simplify the process, and represent your case in court, as needed.
Contact The Law Office of Kerya L. Koeut, P.A. at (727) 888-5199 for a FREE Consultation!